Version 20.008
- Several bug fixes and minor improvements.
Version 20.006
- The Bland-Altman plot and Bland-Altman plot with multiple measurements per subject procedures now also generate a report in addition to the graph.
Version 20.0.5
- Added Partial area under ROC curve and Comparison of partial areas under ROC curves
In Comparison of Precision-Recall curves added a choice between paires samples or independent samples design.
Version 20
- Added transparency option for drawing objects (text box, rectangle, ellipse).
- Added a shaded area option for the confidence interval of a Kaplan-Meier survival curve, ROC curve, Linear regression, Probit regression, Passing-Pablok regression and Bland-Altman plots (right-click on the confidence interval curve and select a fill color in the "Format..." dialog box).
- Added Sample size calculation for Area Under the Precision-Recall curve.
- Changed the method of calculating the confidence interval for the AUC of precison-recall curves to the Logit method of Boyd et al (2013). The bootstrap method remains available for calculating the confidence interval for the difference of AUCs of two precison-recall curves.
- Added a Subgroups option in Comparison of multiple methods.
- Possibility to enter user-defined values that indicate missing values (e.g. NaN, -99999). This can be found in File menu > Properties > Missing values tab.
- Color option for missing values (Options panel).
- New spreadsheet functions USRMISSING() and ISMISSING().
- Moved option Enter key moves cell pointer to the Edit menu.
- Expanded color palette for graphs; includes selected colorblind safe colors (Wong, 2011).
- New color selectors.
- Added icons for common menu items.
- Some bug fixes and minor improvements.
Version 19.8
Version 19.7.4
- Added an option in Comparison of multiple methods to calculate differences as variable -reference or reference-variable.
- Some improvements for high resolution screens.
Version 19.7
Version 19.6.4
- Several bug fixes, minor changes, and improvements.
Version 19.5.3
- Added Egger's and Begg's tests for publication bias in meta-analysis.
Version 19.5 - Sep 3, 2020
- Added:
- Precision-recall curve
- Comparison of precision-recall curves
- Added support for SVG files (an image file format).
- SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics
- SVG images can be edited with Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Inkscape (Free!), and other popular vector drawing programs (and even with a text editor)
- SVG images are scalable
- SVG images can be printed with high quality at any resolution
- SVG graphics do NOT lose any quality if they are zoomed or resized
Version 19.4 - Jul 1, 2020
- Added Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel test.
- Added the C-statistic (which is the area under the ROC curve) in Cox proportional-hazards regression.
- Added an option to create a Heat map in scatter diagrams.
- Minor change in the drawing of CI bars in Kaplan-Meier survival curves.
Corrected a problem in the evaluation of the OR() function.
- Corrected a problem in copying/pasting results from dialog panels.
Version 19.3 - May 24, 2020
- New reports feature allows to compile several analyses into one single report.
- Completely revised Help (F1) function: when your computer is connected to the internet (and can reach https://www.medcalc.org) the help function shows the same complete documentation as the manual on the website.
- Support for Windows XP has been dropped.
Version 19.2.5 - May 10, 2020
- Several bug fixes.
- New spreadsheet function AGGREGATE
Version 19.1 - Sep 12, 2019
- When ROC curve analysis uses bootstrapping (e.g. to calculate the CI of the Youden index), the bootstrap CI of the AUC is also reported.
- Improved procedure for calculating the Hodges-Lehmann median difference, allowing for larger sample sizes.
- Improved execution time of Fisher exact test.
Version 19.0.7 - Aug 1, 2019
- Changed the method for calculating P for the Mann-Whitney test, in the presence of ties, to the method by Conover (1999).
- Several minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 19.0.5 - Jun 14, 2019
- Cumulative frequency distribution: fixed a problem in defining the X-axis when the option 'Display Normal distribution" is selected.
- Probit regression: fixed a problem that caused the program to generate a message "Could not solve equation" in some datasets.
Version 19.0.3 - May 7, 2019
- Corrected a problem when printing a graph that caused the graph not to be positioned correctly on the paper.
- Corrected a problem in the display of negative numbers in reports that sometimes caused a layout problem (most notably in the display of the regression equation of Passing-Bablok regression).
Version 19 - Apr 19, 2019
- Kaplan-Meier survival analysis: changed the method of calculating the confidence interval of median survival to the method (using log-transformation) by Klein JP, Moeschberger ML (2003) (p. 117-122).
- Passing-Bablok regression: changed the calculation of the relative difference of the bias at specific decision levels.
- Bland-Altman plot: solved a problem in the display of confidence intervals, in case that confidence intervals overlap.
Version 18.11.6 - Mar 1, 2019
Version 18.11.3 - Jan 2, 2019
Version 18.11 - Nov 19, 2018
- Added Isotonic regression curve as an option in scatter diagram and multiple line diagram (implemented using the pool adjacent violators algorithm).
- Fixed a problem that could impede scrolling through a large file.
- Improved speed of importing xlsx (Excel) files that contain lots of text cells.
- Fixed a problem in recognizing some variable names when the decimal symbol is not a dot.
Version 18.10.2 - Oct 21, 2018
- Added the possibility to use a filter in the different selectors for variables. When you have a large list of variables, you can limit the number of variables that is listed in the drop-down list by using as a wildcard in the beginning or at the end of a string. For example, when you have variables VAR_01, VAR_02, VAR_03 in a long list of variables, you can filter these by entering VAR and next click the dropdown button to obtain a filtered list.
Version 18.10 - Oct 4, 2018
- Added a list of observed values in the Filter editor dialog box - see Filter formula editor.
- In all statistical dialog boxes, when the focus is on a variable selector or a filter selector, you can press function key F8 to call the formula editor.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the program to crash when the option "List variables alphabetically" was not selected.
- Removed the obsolete "Large dialogs" option.
Version 18.9 - Sep 2, 2018
- Added Comparison of Independent ROC curves in the Statistics menu (comparion of AUC between subgroups).
- Fixed a problem in Logistic regression which could cause the program to crash when sample size is small.
- Fixed an error message that could popup when the program starts.
- Fixed a bug in saving & recalling Partial correlation.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Standardized Response Means not to be calculated for some data.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the program to crash when pasting data in the spreadsheet.
Version 18.6 - Jul 16, 2018
- Added a "Date format" option in the Regional settings panel of the Options dialog box.
- When you export the spreadsheet data using "Export data" in the file menu, you can define a filter to select a subset of cases to be saved in the new file. The "Export data" command is only available when the spreadsheet window is open and active (not covered by other windows).
- New algorithm for determining the number of decimals used for the values on the X-axis in histograms.
- Fixed an issue with the display of Help files in a network environment.
- Several minor bug fixes and general improvements (increased speed of operation).
Version 18.5 - May 17, 2018
- Sample files: when you upgrade the software, the existing sample data files (located in "Documents\MedCalc\Sample files") are overwritten by new versions of these files.
- Added Comparison of (independent) Coefficients of Variation in the Tests menu.
- In Logistic regression, added an option to plot the logistic regression curve. This is option is only available when there is just one single independent variable.
- Added semipartial correlation to the results of Multiple regression.
- Kruskal-Wallis test: added Dunn's test as an optional post-hoc test.
- Multiple variables graphs: fixed a problem with line colors and styles in Dot & line diagram with large number of cases.
- Fixed a problem in Forest plots causing the markers in the graph to be badly formatted.
- Fixed a problem in the Summary statistic table which caused the results of the Normality test not to be displayed.
- Fixed in bug in the DEC2HEX function which could cause the program to crash when the argument was a negative number.
Version 18.2.1 - February 23, 2018
- Added options to reverse the order of categories in Frequencies bar charts
- New options for Passing-Bablok regression:
- Bootstrapping of the CI of the regression parameters.
- Estimation of bias at selected threshold values, according to CLSI guideline EP09-A3 (2013).
- Fixed a problem in Age-related reference intervals (related to Box-Cox transformation) that would cause confidence intervals to be displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug that disabled formatting of trendlines in some cases.
- Corrected a problem that caused Cox & Snell R2 and Nagelkerke R2 not to be calculated in some instances.
Version 18 - December 29, 2017
- In Bland & Altman plot, added an option to plot the values against the sample rank, to produce a "Ranked order difference plot" according to CLSI, 2013.
- In residuals plots for Deming and Passing & Bablok regression, values outside the 4 SD range are plotted in a warning color.
- Made the calculation of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient in Passing & Bablok regression regression optional.
- Added an option to insert header/separator bars with file name and current date and time in the Word document, when using the Save to or append to Word file procedure.
- Fixed some issues in Case-Control matching. Added an option "Exact match" that allows to match non-numerical data (for example, a variable Gender that is coded "Male" and "Female").
- Fixed some problems with the display of the legends in Deming and Passing & Bablok regression regression plots.
- Fixed a bug in recalling multiple line graphs with trendlines (trendlines did not appear).
Version 17.9 - September 21, 2017
- In Bland-Altman plots, replaced horizontal lines for confidence intervals with error bars.
- Revised calculations for Bland-Altman plot with multiple measurements per subject, according to Zou GY (2013) Confidence interval estimation for the Bland-Altman limits of agreement with multiple observations per individual. Statistics in Medicine 22:630-642.

Version 17.8 - August 17, 2017
Version 17.7.2 - July 27, 2017
- Added the Hodges-Lehmann location estimator in the results section of the Signed rank test, and the Hodges-Lehmann median difference in the results section of the Mann-Whitney test and Wilcoxon test.
- Added geometric and harmonic mean as options in Summary statistics table.
- Added spreadsheet functions HARMEAN and VHARMEAN
- Added harmonic and geometric mean (without the need for logarithmic transformation) as options in Summary statistics.
- Several bug fixes.
Version 17.6 - June 2, 2017
- Added confidence interval estimation (using bootstrapping) in Age-related reference interval.
- Added sample size calculation for regression-based reference limits.
- MedCalc spreadsheet has been reconfigured to contain a fixed number of 16384 columns and 1048576 rows.
- Improved speed for sorting data in the spreadsheet.
- Added an option to change the order of Disease Present/Absent and Test Positive/Negative to Disease Absent/Present and Test Negative/Positive in the Diagnostic test (2x2 table) dialog box (Tests menu).
- Enabled seperate formatting of text in graph legends. Click on the legend - the legend is selected; next select the font properties in the toolbar. Proceed in a similar way to format the text used in drawing objects.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Undo button of being enabled for graphs.
- Many other minor improvements.
Version 17.5.3 - May 7, 2017
- Faster reading and writing of MedCalc data files, mainly noticeable when accessing files on a network share.
- Fixed a bug that caused the sample size table not to be displayed in the different sample size calculation procedures.
- Fixed some problems in different translations where Window and Help menus were mixed or duplicated.
- Fixed some problems in the Repeat and Recall dialog functions.
- Added an option "Apply to all" in formatting of lines and markers in Multiple variables graph - Dot & Line diagram.
Version 17.5 - May 1, 2017
Version 17.4.4 - April 16, 2017
Version 17.4 - April 3, 2017
- Added sample size calculation for Bland-Altman plot.
- Added an option to draw lines for the Maximum allowed difference in Bland-Altman plot.
- Added 95% Confidence Interval for Coefficient of Repeatability in Bland-Altman plot.
- Enabled axis scale reversal on most graphs. To reverse the axis scale, you enter the higher limit for the minimum and the lower limit for the maximum.
- Added a button to reset all options in the Options dialog box.
- Fixed a bug that caused loss of defined data labels when renaming a variable.
Version 17.2 - February 14, 2017
- Added Multiple frequency tables
- Added sample size calculation for McNemar test.
- Slight modification of the dialog box and presentation of results for the McNemar test.
- Changed the method to calculate the 95% CI for the difference in the McNemar test from Bland 2000 (Binomial distribution method) to Sheskin 2011 (z method).
- Sample size calculation for the comparison of 2 proportions: added an option to specify the statistical test that will be used in the analysis of the study data (Chi-squared test or Fisher's exact test).
- Renamed "Sampling" menu into "Sample size" menu.
- New spreadsheet functions CONVERT, SUMSQ, VSUMSQ, HYPOT and PERCRANK.
- Added an option to display markers in the Probit regression plot.
- Fixed a problem in the Kaplan-Meier plot where the user could not change the color of some texts in the graph.
Version 17.1 - January 20, 2017
Version 17.0.4 - January 12, 2017
- Important: fixed a bug that could cause the program to fail when saving files
- Fixed a bug in the display of Forest plots.
- In the Plot versus criterion values it is now allowed to define the X-axis so that larger or smaller observed criterion values fall outside the X-axis range.
Version 17 - January 10, 2017
Version 16.8.4 - September 27, 2016
- Fixed some problems in the display of arrows in dialog boxes when using Windows 10.
Version 16.8 - August 4, 2016
- In Plot versus criterion values (ROC curve analysis):
- Added plot against Efficiency (Greiner et al., 2000).
- Added option "Observed prevalence".
- Added Positive and Negative predictive value, and Youden index. Report of maximum or minimum of some statistics in the graph's info box.
- Added Spearman's rank correlation coefficient in the output of Passing & Bablok regression.
- Fixed a bug when recalling a Multiple variables graph where the option Notched Box-and-Whisker was ignored.
Version 16.4.3 - April 26, 2016
- Fixed a bug in Mountain plot that caused the curve for the third method not to be displayed in some circumstances.
- Fixed a bug in the axis scaling and legend of the Scatter diagram & regression line plot (when subgroups were defined).
Version 16.4 - April 11, 2016
- New: Comparison of multiple methods.
- Plot versus criterion values (ROC curve analysis): added plot of Cost and Misclassification-Cost Term (MCT, Greiner et al., 2000) against criterion values.
- Meta-analysis: both fixed effect model weights and random effect model weights are now reported.
- Meta-analysis: for marker size relative to study weight you can choose the fixed effect model weights or random effect model weights.
- Meta-analysis: the presentation of the pooled effect under the fixed effects or random models is now optional in the forest plot.
- Meta-analysis: when a diamond representation for the pooled effects is used then a different marker color for the pooled effect can be selected.
- Increased the maximum number of files in the recent file list to 20 (you can set the preferred number in the MedCalc options panel.
Version 16.2 - February 4, 2016
- Added Weight (%) in the output of the different meta-analysis procedures.
- Fixed some problems when working with a dual monitor setup.
- Changed the algorithm that enables some menu items in the Edit menu. In particular, the Del command is now enabled for items in the Contents window (Saved tests and graphs).
- Fixed a bug which caused the Cox proportional hazards procedure to fail when time was constant.
- Fixed a bug in the Test for Normal distribution in the Summary statistics tables (other items like Summary statistics, Reference interval, Outlier detection, etc. were not affected).
Version 16.1 - January 6, 2016
- Added the possibility to perform different independent samples and paired samples t-tests, Mann-Whitney tests and Wilcoxon tests in one single procedure, see Comparison of independent samples and Comparison of paired samples.
- Added the possibility to save (or append) results, graphs and spreadsheet data to Word documents (docx). Use the new
button or the Ctrl+W keyboard shortcut. Ctrl+W also works in the dialogs for sample size calculation and the dialogs in the Tests menu. This feature requires Microsoft .NET 4 framework, which is already available on most Windows PCs, or can be downloaded freely from the Microsoft website.
- Added importing and saving as OpenOffice or LibreOffice's Calc spreadsheet files (*.ods). Current version reads/writes data only and ignores formatting.
- Added "Save as web page (*.html)" for spreadsheet data.
- Added 99.9% and 99.99% reference intervals.
- Added confidence intervals for indices of responsiveness.
- Change in the algorithm of the Trimmed mean and its 95% CI. See Calculation of Trimmed Mean, SE and confidence interval for computational details.
- Added new spreadsheet functions:
- TrimMean(k,range), TrimMeanSEM(k,range), TrimMeanLow(k,ci,range) and TrimMeanHigh(k,ci,range): see Trimmed mean functions
- VTrimMean(k,variable[,filter]), VTrimMeanSEM(k,variable[,filter]), VTrimMeanLow(k,ci,variable[,filter]) and VTrimMeanHigh(k,ci,variable[,filter]): see Trimmed mean functions on variables
- Median(range) Median function
- Percentile(p,range) Percentile function
- Fixed a bug that would cause a problem when importing (or pasting) spreadsheet data that contains large text blocks.
- Corrected a bug in the calculation of Box-Cox transformation when lambda=0.
- Fixed a bug in the Cox regression procedure that could cause the program to crash.
Version 15.11.4 - November 27, 2015
- Improved formatting of Box-and-whisker plots in Clustered Multiple Comparison graphs and Clustered Multiple Variables graphs.
- Improved auto-update.
Version 15.11.3 - November 23, 2015
- Fixed a bug in Repeated measures ANOVA that caused an error in the calculation of the Sum of Squares for the Factor in Test of Within-Subjects Effects. The error could (only) occur in two-factor studies with repeated measures on one factor with unbalanced design.
Version 15.11 - November 5, 2015
- Chi-squared test: the use of Yates' correction for continuity is no longer recommended. For a 2x2 table, MedCalc version 15.11 uses the "N-1" Chi-squared test as recommended by Campbell (2007) and Richardson (2011). This is also applicable in Comparison of proportions.
- For the McNemar test (comparison of paired proportions) P-values are now always based on the cumulative binomial distribution.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an error in the calculation of the mean survival time in Kaplan-Meier survival analysis.
Version 15.10 - October 22, 2015
Version 15.8 - August 14, 2015
- Added a Funnel plot in meta-analysis.
- Added a Generic inverse variance method for meta-analysis.
- Improved Draw ellipse tool: press the shift key to draw a circle.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent to copy data from an Excel (xlsx) file created with MedCalc.
- Some speed improvements.
Version 15.6 - June 2, 2015
- New Format graph options:
- Side margins: this option lets you set a margin between the chart's boundary and lines for the X and Y axis.
- Allow exponential notation: when this option is selected, the program will display small or high numbers in exponential notation.
- New option in Kruskal-Wallis test: Jonckheere-Terpstra trend test.
- New spreadsheet functions:
- ANY(test,value[,value,...]) returns 1 or TRUE if the value of test matches any of the subsequent values; returns 0 or FALSE otherwise
- PROPER(str) sets the first character in each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase
- E() returns Euler's constant 2.718281828459...
- BinomialLow(successes,trials,ival) returns the lower bound of the ival% Confidence Interval of the Binomial probability of a number of successes in a number of trials
- BinomialHigh(successes,trials,ival) returns the upper bound of the ival% Confidence Interval of the Binomial probability of a number of successes in a number of trials
- Revised spreadsheet functions:
- ROW(cell) returns the row number of a spreadsheet cell
- COLUMN(cell) returns the column number of a spreadsheet cell
Version 15.5 - May 26, 2015
- Additions in Logistic regression: Wald statistic, Cox & Snell R2 and Nagelkerke R2.
- Fixed a bug that prevented to paste formulas (values were pasted).
- Several other minor bug fixes, changes and improvements.
Version 15.4 - April 20, 2015
- Added a Correlogram as an option in Correlation table.
- Significant results with P<0.05 are highlighted in the reports.
- Revised Chinese (traditional) translation. Corrections to translations in different languages.
- Added a shortcut Ctrl+Shift+E to quickly switch to the English user interface (useful in case you inadvertently selected a wrong language for the user-interface and you cannot find the language settings).
- Fixed a problem with the drawing of icons on some systems.
Version 15.2.1 - February 24, 2015
- Some revisions in the user-interface.
- New multilingual interface with choice of different languages for user interface and output:
- user interface: the language that is used in menus, dialogs, and other user interface elements.
- output: the language that is used in reports and graphs.
The available languages are: English, Chinese (simplified and traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian and Spanish. To select a different language you go to Tools menu Options where you can select your language in the Language section.
The help file and software documentation are available in English only.
- Added descriptive statistics (median, range, quartiles) in the results for the Kruskal-Wallis test.
- Added drawing of error bars, see Add graphical objects.
- Added the possibility to place the user-drawn graphical objects (text boxes, frames, connectors, etc.) in the background (right-click the object and select "Send to back" repeatedly).
- Fixed a bug that caused saved reports that used status data (like in ROC curve analysis) not to be saved correctly.
Version 14.12 - December 3, 2014
- Added options to save the contents of the dialog boxes in the Tests and Sampling menu as text files. In these dialog boxes you can:
- press function key F9; or
- right-click in the dialog box title bar and select the corresponding item in the context menu.
- Reorganized help file.
Version 14.10.2 - October 16, 2014
- Fixed a problem that could cause the program to crash when closing a statistical report.
Version 14.8.1 - August 19, 2014
- Added comparison of regression lines in results section of Regression.
- Added Homogeneity of regression slopes in results section of Analysis of covariance.
- Added the AUC (Area under the ROC curve) in the results of Diagnostic test (2x2 table).
- Corrected a problem in the calculatation of BCa bootstrap confidence intervals in ROC curve analysis.
- Changed the method for calculation of Kendall's Tau correlation coeffcient from percentile bootstrap to BCa bootstrap confidence intervals.
- Changed the random number generator used in bootstrapping to the Mersenne twister (implementation MT19937) (Matsumoto & Nishimura, 1998).
- Some other minor improvements and bug fixes
- New version numbers:Starting August 2014, the MedCalc version number has been revised. The new version number consists of a year and month number, and a third number which is a minor revision number.For example:
- 14.8.1 is a MedCalc version released in August 2014.
- 14.8.2 is a minor revision of version 14.8
Minor revision numbers may not be contiguous, e.g. version 14.8.2 may be followed by version 14.8.4. The intermediate minor revision 14.8.3 may have been used internally or as a Beta version only.
Version 13.3.3 - July 26, 2014
Version 13.3.1 - July 11, 2014
Version 13.3 - June 21, 2014
Version 13.2.2 - May 22, 2014
- Added the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) in the results of multiple regression.
- Fixed a bug in Clustered Multiple Variables graphs with logarithmic transformation.
- Fixed various minor bugs.
- In Histograms, when all observations equal class boundaries, the bars are drawn above the class values.
- Added a subgroups option in Cumulative frequency distribution graphs.
- Added user-control for Bootstrapping options (number of iterations, random-number seed). Bootstrapping is used for the calculation of Confidence Intervals for Kendall's tau (Rank correlation), reference intervals calculated using the robust method, and some statistics in ROC curve analysis.
- Some other minor imporvements
- Added Age-related reference interval calculation
- Added Weighted regression (in Regression, Scatter diagram with regression line and Multiple regression).
- Fixed a bug in the calculation of the P-value for Shapiro-Wilk and Shapiro-Francia normal distribution tests.
- Many other minor changes and improvements.
- Added the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) in the results of multiple regression.
- Fixed a bug in Clustered Multiple Variables graphs with logarithmic transformation.
- Fixed various minor bugs.
- Modified the options for disease prevalence in the ROC curve analysis dialog box.
- Added an option in the results of the Chi-squared test to display all counts as percentages of row, column and global totals.
- Added an input box for Digit grouping symbol in the MedCalc options.
- Added an option to use the digit grouping symbol for formatting numbers in graphs (see Graph schemes).
- Modified drawing of graphs when the option Outside tick marks is selected.
- Added standard deviation of groups in the output for ANOVA.
- Added an option in the context menu of scatter diagrams to draw a user-defined function. The context menu appears when you right-click in the scatter diagram.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the program to crash in Reference interval calculation
- Several other minor bug fixes
- Added the z (or t) statistic and P-values for the pooled effect sizes in meta-analysis.
- Several compatibility fixes.
- New spreadsheet functions: Probability distribution functions
- Fixed a bug in the Multiple line graph procedure that could cause the first variable not to be visible in the graph.
- Several minor bug fixes and improvements.
- Renamed the Categorical data submenu into Crosstabs.
- New: Relative risk & Odds Ratio in the Statistics menu (calculated on a 2x2 table compiled from data in the spreadsheet).
- Revised dialog boxes and presentation of results for Relative risk and Odds ratio in the Tests menu.
- Some bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug that caused context menu items to remain disabled after printing a graph or report.
- Fixed a bug in the SNK and Tukey-Kramer post hoc test in ANOVA that would result in false-positive results in some cases.
- Some minor bug fixes and user interface improvements.
- New: Nonlinear regression.
- Added trend line options in scatter diagrams: moving average trend line, LOESS smoothed trend line or reduced major axis line.
- Added LOESS smoothed trend line in Multiple lines graph.
- When a Moving average or LOESS smoothed trend line is included in a graph, the graph windows has a status bar that includes a trackbar with which you can control the degree of smoothing.
- New: Polar plot.
- New: Function plot.
- Added an input box for Disease prevalence in Diagnostic test evaluation.
- New spreadsheet functions:
- new mathematical functions: ACOSH, ASINH, ATANH, ATAN2
- new statistical functions: CORREL, SLOPE
- new statistical functions on variables: VCORREL, VSLOPE
- new engineering functions: BesselI, BesselJ, BesselK, BesselY, ERF, ERFC, Dec2Hex, Hex2Dec
- "Selection criterion" has been renamed to "Filter".
- Large dialogs option: option to make all dialog boxes larger and easier to read, see Options.
- 增加森林图(Forest plot)为单独的图形选项(没有链接到meta分析)
- 增加了AutoRecover选项
- 许多小的改善和补丁修正
- 扩展ROC曲线分析,包括
- 计算尤登(Youden)指标和相关的标准值(criterion value)的置信区间
- 估计固定特异性和敏感性的敏感性和特异性
- 考虑各种决策情况下计算最优标准值
- 增加偏相关:相关修正或被其他变量影响的相关的修正
- 增加用于比较双幸存率(logrank检验)的样本大小的计算
- 修正了一个可能会引起64位版本在重复测量Anova中被挂起的问题
- 修正了一个会引起读取包含60个以上变量的统计表格的数据文件错误的问题
- 修正了一个在每个主题带有多个测量值的Bland-Altman图中会挂起的问题
- 修正了 IF(condition,argtrue,argfalse)函数计算的bug.当条件为真时,在argfalse计算中的错误将不会引起IF函数失败的问题
- 根据Sheskin 2011重新设计了峰态(Kurtosis)的P值(以前是根据Sheskin 2004设计)。这会导致当峰态为负时P值会不同,在这种情况下,也会影响正态性的D'Agostino-Pearson检验的结果。
- Sheskin DJ (2004) Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures. 3rd ed. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall /CRC.
- Sheskin DJ (2011) Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures. 5th ed. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall /CRC.
- 增加了用于多ROC图的上下文菜单项,标注对应最高尤登指标的点
- 修正了在直方图中,当条柱所代表内容小于总的原因的一个小的原因百分比(小于0.1%)将不会总显示的问题
- 修正了Kaplan Meier幸存分析中当趋势的卡方检验不会总是显示的一个问题
- 修正了保存和恢复汇总统计和相关表格的问题
- 增加了在散点图中画出均等线(Line of equality)的选项
- 一些补丁修正
- 本更新可用于32位和64位Windows版本。 32位版本可以运行在两个Windows版本上。64位版本将只能64位Windows版本上工作。
- 如果你想安装64位版本,但以前已经安装了一个旧版本的MedCalc,你应该先通过您的Windows控制面板中删除旧版本的MedCalc。
- 如何判断电脑是否正在运行32位版本还是64位版本的Windows操作系统(链接到微软的网站)。
- MedCalc 12不能工作在Windows 2000或更早版本的Windows上。Windows 2000已经达到其生命周期结束的2010年7月13日。它不再接收新的安全更新和新的安全相关的修补程序。因此,这是强烈建议更新到较新版本的Windows。
- 文件的兼容性:这个新版本的MedCalc可以打开和读取任何旧版本MedCalc创建的文件。新版本创建的文件(新文件或保存的文件)不能被旧版本的软件读取。
- 改进亚洲语言的支持。
- 按字母顺序列出变量:选择此选项时,变量在变量选择框中是按字母顺序列出。当这个选项没有被选中,按变量在电子表格中输入的顺序列出。此选项不影响在电子表格中的变量的顺序。
- 在选择器中变量和标准选择的自动完成功能。
- 当您选择了一个变量或选择标准,你可以按功能键F8为他们调用公式编辑器。
- 增加分配标签到数据值。这些标签用于图表中的子组识别。
- 列可以被格式化成能包含日期和时间数据。
- 在Passing & Bablok回归中的变化:
- 累积和线性检验(cusum linearity test)的精确P值
- 新增计算垂直残差(perpendicular residuals)的选项(Passing & Bablok, 1983)
- 新增根据秩顺序绘制残差的选项(Passing & Bablok, 1983)
- 增加需要治疗的人数(NTT)的95%置信区间(CI)到相对危险度(relative risk)的结果
- 新增保存Cox比例风险回归模型(Cox proportional hazard regression model)的预后指标的选项。
- 新增在Logistic回归中的Hosmer&Lemeshow检验
- 新增一个在多线图中绘制移动平均线的选项
- 保存图表为PowerPoint幻灯片
- 新增isEmpty()函数
- 根据Hanley & McNeil (1982)更改计算ROC曲线下面积的标准误差(SE)的方法。Hanley &McNeil给出了2种计算SE的方法,一个在表二(第31页)和另一个在第33页上,使用公式2。后者使用在MedCalc以前的版本中。
- 如果样本大小是已知的,增加在预测值计算器中对于正或负的预测值的精确二项置信区间的计算。
- 异常值侦测(Outlier detection):提供多种异常值侦测方法
- 响应性(Responsiveness):提供多个能够侦测改变得指标
- 堆叠列:堆叠几个电子表格列到一个新的列中
- 每个主题下带有多个测量值的Bland-Altman图
- 重复测量的变异系数
- 在Test菜单中的改善的对话框:增加了输入可选注释和打印报告的可能性
- 样本大小计算的对话框得到了改善:增了显示需要的用于不同类型I和类型II错误水平的样本大小的表格,以及打印报告的可能性
- 一些小的补丁修正