



Effortless Environmental Data Management
Data Transfer System
DataTransferSystemEasily import and validate data from virtually any data source, including Excel, Access, other MS SQL databases, EDDs and Mobile EDDs, Diver MON files or LAS files.
Template Manager
TemplateManagerFully customize your environmental database to your specific project needs with options to add unlimited tables and fields.
Query Builder
QueryBuilderEasily create, save and recall data queries and extract useful information about your project. Knowledge of SQL Server syntax is not required!
List Editor
ListEditorCreate lists of valid values for almost any field in your database, (e.g. Chemical Name, Soil Type) for consistent and reliable data entry.
Material Specifications Editor
MaterialSpecificationEditorCreate, edit, and manage material specifications and patterns for your project
Quick Checker
quick_checkerValidates your field data against your Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) template.
QA/QC Lab Assessment
hga_qaqcVerify the accuracy of laboratory result through the analysis of blank, duplicate and spiked samples, dilution factors, detection limits and holding times
Event Planner
EventPlannerEasily plan future sampling events and other field activities, schedule recurring sampling rounds and set automatic reminders to ensure a sampling round is never missed
Integrated Data Analysis & Visualization
Well Profile
WellProfileReplaces the Borehole Log Plotter (BHLP), and provides better performance when working with larger data sets, and now supports displaying deviated wells by automatically calculating true vertical depth based on inclination values.
Map Manager
MapManagerCreate detailed maps of your site, and visualize station data, recharge areas, contours of water table and contaminant hot spots
Cross Section Editor
CrossSectionEditorProduce detailed cross section diagrams showing geologic, hydrogeologic and model layers
Scene Viewer
SceneViewerDisplays your project data in 3D quicker and easier than ever before. This great new feature also supports visualization of deviated (non vertical) wells.
AquaChem Integration
GeochemistryExtensionAnalyze chemical data with over 25 geochemical plots, statistical and trend analyses and exceedence reports using AquaChem
AquiferTest Integration
GeochemistryExtensionAquiferTestAnalyze, interpret, and visualize your pumping and slug test data using AquiferTest.
ArcGIS™ Integration
hga_arcgisConnect ArcGIS to your database for performing advanced queries, mapping and geospatial analysis on your data
Flexible Reporting
Print to Excel™ & Powerpoint™
hga_msofficeQuickly send tabular data, time series plots and borehole log plots to Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint templates
Hydro GeoAnalyst Online
hga_onlineSecurely publish project data to the web for communicating and presenting data to colleagues and stakeholders
Report Editor
hga_reporteditorCreate fully customizable reports showing tables, time series plots, maps, borehole logs and more

Hardware Requirements

Operating Systems Windows 10
Windows 8.1 Pro or Enterprise
Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate (SP1)
Processor 32-bit or 64-bit
Hard Disk 500 MB (Minimum)
RAM 8 GB or more recommended
Networking Hardware Network Card (required for soft key licensing)

Software Requirements

  • Microsoft .NET Framework v.4.0 or higher
  • Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2005 Redistributable.
Additional Requirements

For the Mobile EDD features, we recommend the following:

  • Apple or Android device
  • Safari or Chrome mobile internet browser



Hydro GeoAnalyst 2016.1-地下水和环境数据管理系统-上海卡贝信息技术有限公司


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