What Comes with GV?
Your GV system is distributed with a lot more than just GV! You receive three versions of MODFLOW. These include MODFLOW2005win32 , MODFLOW2000win32 , MODFLOW96win32 and MODFLOWwin32, ESI's versions for Windows. You also receive MT3DMSwin32 (our windows interface version of MT3D), MODPATHwin32 (our windows interface for MODPATH), and much more. Here is a complete list of models and software provided with Groundwater Vistas:
Models with Windows Interfaces:
- MODFLOWwin32 - MODFLOW88 from USGS
- MODFLOW96win32 - MODFLOW96 from USGS in double precision
- MODFLOW2000win32 - MODFLOW2000 from the USGS
- MODFLOW2005win32 - MODFLOW2005 from the USGS
- MODPATHwin32 - MODPATH version 3.2 from the USGS
- MT3DMSwin32 - Version 5 of MT3D
Models with Command Line Interfaces
- MODPATH - older steady-state version of MODPATH
- MODPATH version 4
- RT3D Version 2.5
- SEAWAT - special version of MODFLOW & MT3D for seawater intrusion modeling
- SEAWAT2000 - special version of MODFLOW & MT3D for seawater intrusion modeling
- Split - analytic element model
Calibration Models
- MODFLOW2000win32
Optimization Models
- MODOFC - developed by David Ahlfeld and Guy Riefler (http://www.ecs.umass.edu/modofc/
- Brute Force - ESI's own creation for optimizing pump & treat systems
- MGO - Chunmiao Zheng's new optimization model
- GWM - USGS optimization model based on MODFLOW2000
- SOMOS - Optimization model from Dr. Richard Peralta at Utah State University.
Advanced Version contains:
- Stochastic MODFLOW
- Stochastic MT3DMS
- Stochastic MODPATH
- Support for SWIFT
- Distributed Computing
Enterprise Version contains:
- GW3D for 3D Visualization
- Remote Model Launch (1 license)
You also receive full, context-sensitive helpwith GV and an extensive tutorial that will help you get started. We also offer free technical supportand updates are distributed through our Internet ftp site or from our web site (http://www.groundwatermodels.com).
有关订购Groundwater Vistas软件的更多信息,请联系我们的产品销售代表:
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