


E-Prime v3.0版特征列表

*在E-Prime 3.0 中新的或更新的功能
PST 保留随时更改E-Prime 3.0 中预期功能的权利

Experiment Presentation

Support for tablets and touchscreens*

Run desired List rows at runtime with Interactive order selection*

Improved Audio/Video playback and load times*

Run an experiment in a floating window with Windowed Mode*

Start an experiment from any List object*

Display images in .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, gif, .png, .tif, .tiff, .emf, .wmf formats

Play movies in .avi, .divx, .m1v, .mkv, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv formats*

Play multiple movies simultaneously on critical timing trials

Play audio files in .wav, .mp3, .wma formats*

Play audio files longer than 100 seconds

Present non-English stimuli using UNICODE-based fonts

Use multiple monitor displays

Select a monitor on which to display the entire experiment

Select a monitor on which to display each Toolbox or Canvas object

Record subject vocalizations using the SoundIn object

Record subject vocalizations 10 seconds or longer

User Support

Access web support, free minor updates, and service packs for 3 years

Access online resources including Knowledge Base, Experiment Library, Samples, Tutorials, How To Videos, and User Forum*

Access the E-Prime Command Reference and online documentation*

Experiment Design

SlideButton sub-object for an area of response collection without using script*

SlideChoice sub-object to design multiple choice surveys, recognitions, recalls*

SlideSlider sub-object to design scales and sliders*

Slide Layout Templates for quick design*

Experiment design templates*

Run an experiment in floating window for quicker debugging*

Interactively run List rows for debugging purposes*

Access Full and User Script in the Structure window*

Improved interface with tabbed workspace and easier access to windows*

Find and replace properties in an experiment*

Create conditional Task Events using subroutines in User Script*

Automatically generate text data files upon completion of experiment*

Save a definition of columns of interest in E-DataAid*

Correct, Incorrect, Omission Task Events*

Check for Update checks web and prompts when updates are available*

Select from a dropdown of choices (ScriptSense™) for property, method, and data types after typing a period "." in an InLine object or user script (similar to IntelliSense™ in Microsoft environments). Updated in E-Prime 3.0 with new properties and methods.*

View Property Tooltips when hovering over items in Structure view

Add Certified package files (from PST and industrial partners) to an experiment

Add user-authored package files to an experiment

Specify settings (e.g. screen resolution, subject number) in .startupInfo file using the StartupInfo editor to allow for dynamic processing of experiment, without the need to regenerate or edit experiment file.

Select from a dropdown of choices for attributes (AttribSense™) after opening a square bracket "[" in a TextDisplay or SlideText or using c.GetAttrib in an InLine object (similar to IntelliSense™ in Microsoft environments)

Specify properties to be based on a scheme value (e.g. all TextDisplay and SlideText objects should use Arial font)

Search and replace properties on objects with one value for another (e.g. change all BackColor values to black)

Access the Experiment Design Advisor to assist with common design errors

Ability to change background color/customize startup info screen

Load and transfer external values into experiment via StartupInfo

Create user PackageFiles using the PackageFile editor

Name and Tag properties on all E-Object property pages

Ability to copy/paste Objects in E-Studio

Ability to copy or clone SlideStates

Current line bookmarked for compile and runtime errors

Ability to use Shift+Delete to remove Objects from Structure

Ability to specify location path for data file

Double click E-Run files to start automatically

E-Merge can filter by file extension

Multiple experiments can be open at same time

E-Studio makes backup copy of experiment file

Interfacing with External Devices

Use script device to execute script in a Task Event*

Use serial port device in an experiment

Use multiple serial port devices per experiment

Use parallel port device in an experiment

Use multiple parallel port devices per experiment

Communicate with a network socket device (Ethernet)

Use multiple network socket devices per experiment

Communicate with a joystick device using X/Y coordinates and 4 response buttons

Use multiple joystick devices per experiment with input mask ability, X/Y coordinates, 8 response buttons, 2 slider controls, and 2 point-of-view controls

Specify a device to use at Onset/Offset time of an object and specify the duration (in milliseconds) of a corresponding signal pulse

Installation Options

Connect one hardware key to a network to allow the specified number of seats to simultaneously access E-Studio (Network License)

Configure and push out E-Prime installations using .msi file and msiexec

Configure installation settings such as Check for Update prompts and silent registration/setup

Use network management applications such as SMS and GPO

Subject station installation option

Supports MSIEXEC /qn and /qb silent installation options

Version 3.0 can exist on same machine as versions 2.0 and 1.x

* New or updated in E-Prime 3.0

PST reserves the right to change the intended feature set for E-Prime 3.0 at any time.

Critical trial movie playback dependent on ability of machine specifications.
























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IBM SPSS Statistics
