前沿和效率分析:随机前沿分析(Stochastic Frontier Analysis,SFA ) Model frameworks for production or cost
- Normal-half normal
- Normal-truncated normal
- Normal-exponential
- Normal-gamma
Mean of the one sided (inefficiency) component
- E[U] = zero mean, the standard case
- E[U] = nonzero constant mean
- E[U] = a'z
Variance of the one sided (inefficiency) component
- Var[U] = homoscedastic
- Var[U] = exp(c'z) (heteroscedastic)
Variance of the firm specific (symmetric) component
- Var[v] = homoscedastic
- Var[v] = exp(d'w) (heteroscedastic)
Doubly heteroscedastic
Estimates of inefficiency measures with all formulations
Panel data formulations
- Random effects in specifications
- Fixed effects
- Fixed effect in production (cost) function
- Truncation model with fixed effects
- Fixed effects in mean of one sided component
- Fixed effects in variance of one sided component
- Random parameters
- Latent class
- Battese and Coelli panel data models

前沿和效率分析:数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA )
Analysis in parallel with stochastic frontier estimation and analysis (the only package available that has both of these methods in one program)
- Input and output oriented inefficiency – retained in the data set for further analysis
- Constant, increasing or nonincreasing returns to scale
- Economic and allocative inefficiency
- Bootstrapped confidence intervals for efficiency scores
- Malmquist total factor productivity indexes for panel data
- Listing of ‘peer’ firms with results
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