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来自全球领先分析软件公司的现代开放型平台,轻松应对任何分析方面的挑战,从分析试验到关键任务。SAS Viya是一个基于云平台的统一环境,可以被数据科学家、业务分析师、应用程序开发人员和管理人员等使用。它具有稳定可靠、可扩展、安全管理管控等一系列敏捷IT所必需的特性。

SAS Viya Products
  • SAS 可视化建模统计工具SAS 可视化建模统计工具SAS 可视化建模统计工具,利用数据化界面与内存内处理方式创建并修正预测模型,速度远胜以往。
  • 网络安全解决方案,SAS网络安全解决方案SAS Cybersecurity SAS 网络安全解决方案,使用大数据分析快速侦测网络威胁。
  • SAS Data PreparationSAS 数据准备 通过SAS的数据准备,在自助式点击式环境中快速准备分析数据。
  • SAS Econometrics SAS 计量经济学 分析复杂的业务和经济情景,为更好的决策提供科学依据。
  • SAS Event Stream ProcessingSAS 事件流处理 从实时大数据流到您的组织,立即获得分析洞察。
  • Intelligence and Investigation Management Software | SAS Intelligence and Investigation ManagementSAS情报与调查管理 通过收集,管理和分析情报数据的结构化环境加强执法和公共安全
  • SAS Intelligent DecisioningSAS 智能决策 实现分析驱动的实时客户交互,并大规模自动化业务业务决策。
  • SAS Model ManagerSAS 模型管理器 通过与模型构建过程集成的Web界面注册,修改,跟踪,评分,发布和报告分析模型。
  • SAS OptimizationSAS 优化 比以往更快地找到复杂业务和规划问题的最佳解决方案。
  • SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine LearningSAS 可视化数据挖掘和机器学习 通过单个集成的内存环境,可以更快地解决最复杂的问题。
  • SAS Visual ForecastingSAS 可视化预测 可视化预测在开放的环境中快速自动生成大量可靠的预测。
  • 智能分析 | SAS 可视化调查SAS Visual Investigator 快速、精确地满足各种情报分析和调查管理的需求。
  • SAS Visual Text AnalyticsSAS 可视化文本分析 利用自然语言处理,机器学习和语言规则的综合力量,揭示隐藏在文本数据中的洞察力。
  • SAS 可视化分析SAS 可视化分析 直观地浏览所有数据,发现新模式并将报告发布到Web和移动设备。


What’s New in SAS Viya 3.4

Latest features make it easier to innovate with artificial intelligence.

Take advantage of the latest artificial intelligence (AI) innovations in SAS Viya 3.4, a cloud-enabled and open analytics engine that delivers everything you need for quick, accurate and consistent results – every time. Now with enhanced AI capabilities for built-in intelligence, simplicity, collaboration and transparency.

Embedded automation, increased productivity.

The latest SAS Viya release leverages AI to automate analytics – enabling you to address more business problems with the same set of resources. A suggestion engine simplifies data prep, and intuitive machine learning algorithms find hidden insights and emerging trends faster so you can focus on predicting outcomes and making data-driven decisions.

Added transparency and accountability.

Black-box artificial intelligence solutions make AI adoption difficult for most organizations, especially in highly regulated industries such as health care delivery, pharma and banking. SAS Viya 3.4 provides "explainability" out of the box by including support for modeling nodes such as PDP, LIME and ICE. With embedded machine learning attributes, predictions are more explainable, transparent and accountable.

Enhanced integration with open source.

A significant enhancement to SAS Viya 3.4 gives you the ability – and flexibility – to integrate with open and third-party applications, as well as take full advantage of all your AI assets. With the ability to embed open source models, you can easily access reporting and dashboards for a variety of models, including the CRM platform Salesforce, as well as MongoDB, JDBC, Amazon S3 and Python decision flows.

Simplified user experience.

SAS Viya 3.4 offers an intuitive experience with a highly interactive visual interface. Whether you’re a data scientist, domain expert, analyst, developer or business decision maker, you can get maximum value from your AI solutions running in the cloud, at the edge, in database or in memory.

Customized mobile apps.

The latest release of SAS Viya also gives you the ability to build and customize high-performance mobile apps for accessing content wherever you go. Access the latest AI-powered insights during any part of the analytical life cycle – from data to discovery to deployment – then share, collaborate and make decisions with greater confidence.



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